I Want to Master Communication with Clients / Audiences

Move. Inspire. Transform.

Craft and deliver speeches that captivate, illuminate, educate, and motivate.

Connection. Impact.
Innovation. Inspiration.

This is what your audiences want from you.

Participation. Repeat Engagements.
Results. Standing Ovations.

This is what you want from your audiences.

Speaking to one or one thousand, creating clarity and inspiration with your message is what sets great speakers apart.

Whether a sales associate, CEO, KOL, or inspirational keynoter, you want to influence your audience and land your message.

We’ve helped hundreds of speakers… from C-Suite Executives to students, dentists to politicians to attorneys, seasoned speakers to beginners… write sharp speeches, craft compelling calls-to-action, and deliver those speeches with humor, grace, and impact. And we can help you.

Billionaires, Business Mogules, and US Presidents agree… the ability to speak well is the number one business skill that every successful person must have. And you can… faster and easier than you ever thought. Gain the simple formulas to write your speech, craft your story, and deliver from any platform.

Speaking Effectiveness Training


Inspirational Speaker’s Workshops

Spend the day with master trainer and speaker, Katherine Eitel, and leave this hands-on workshop with a new and/or improved speech outline, a repeatable anchor phrase or two as well as a well-crafted story to help bring your material to life.

Southern California Workshops: Register for one of LionSpeak’s 2-day workshops in Southern California and join other speakers in learning how to write and deliver great speeches.

In-House Workshops: Let us bring our one- to two-day workshops to your team or company and we’ll target your specific needs for delivering impactful presentations.

Learn more

Private Coaching

Need speaker’s coaching quick? Need help pulling all the pieces together to nail your next presentation?

A Day at the Ranch: Spend a day with Katherine at Twin Creeks Ranch in Southern California wine country (or add a day onto one of her trips to your area) and get customized, focused coaching for writing and delivering your next presentation.

Remote Video Coaching: Let LionSpeak set up a series of remote video coaching sessions to deliver customized training for your next presentation.

Contact Us to Learn More


In-House Workshops (or remote video series)

Lights, Camera, Booth Action! is our signature speakers workshop for sales teams and vendors who want to ratchet up their “short game” of 5- to 30-minute product presentations. With a fraction of the presentation time, none of the training, and skyrocketing show costs, vendors who represent a product or service must be as good or better than a professional speaker at grabbing attention, crafting a compelling message, and creating a stampede to their booth, back-of-the-room table or website for more information or better yet…direct or future sales!

Let the LionSpeak team of coaches customize a workshop to help create Vendor/Sales Presentations that attract clients, fascinate buyers, and produce sales. We can get your sales team warmed up and ready for the upcoming convention season by tightening, lifting, and electrifying your short presentations to get potential customers and referral sources to buy into your unique selling proposition and want to do business with you.

Contact Us to Learn More


You give “speeches” all the time… even if they’re not official… addressing your team, in the boardroom, introducing new initiatives, kicking off annual meetings, out in the field… and you’ll either be pretty good or you’ll be amazing. We can help you with amazing!

Our experience shows that most C-Suite executives, business owners, and corporate leaders don’t really know how well they are doing at landing their message, creating clarity, and inspiring their people… because no one will tell them. We will. We’ll keep it short, simple, and enjoyable to improve your results and land any message with more clarity and inspiration.

The process:

  • Quick assessment call – we’ll start with a quick video call to find out how we can help.
  • Team perception inventory – next, we’ll assess how your team experiences and interprets your communications currently.
  • We send a customized proposal with a simple pre-work packet
  • We come to you or you come to us for an in-person training session(s) to get right to the heart of your improvement.
  • You see results immediately!
Contact Us Today to Get Started

“You can improve your value by 50 percent just by learning communication skills and public speaking.”

— Warren Buffett