I wanted to be the speaker they would never forget. But God, I was nervous. I was waiting to take the stage to deliver one of my very first keynote addresses before a very prestigious organization in my industry. How would I do? How would I perform? What if I embarrassed myself? What if I forgot my first few lines? …
Inspirational Direction
It’s almost that time again and it’s anyone’s guess what kind of shenanigans we’ll see at this year’s Oscar Awards ceremony! Was it only one year ago that Will Smith walked on stage and slapped Chris Rock? Whew… talk about drama. But instead of dwelling on unsavory moments like these, I’d like to shine a spotlight on an Oscar moment …
Taming the Butterflies
If you’re human, you likely get nervous when you are asked to take the stage or speak from a place of authority in front of others. Even something as innocuous as introducing ourselves around a table can make the butterflies take flight. The physical symptoms of nervousness take a lot of shapes but can include a racing heartbeat, clammy palms, …
Speaking Out
When we were kids, we could position ourselves in the back of the class and avoid raising our hands to dodge being called on to speak at the front of the class. It’s one of the most dreaded forms of communication even from an early age. But in the professional world, public speaking is a vital skill to have and …
I Have a Dream
Today is the day we celebrate one of the greatest men in American history who also happened to be one of the greatest orators and speakers of our time. I’ve listened to many of King’s speeches in their entirety, and I believe there is much we can learn if we pay attention to the things that made King memorable and …
Side gigs
I’m often asked by professionals, clinicians, and friends who attend my lectures how someone can become a speaker. In many ways, it’s really not that hard, and there is always room on the platform for anyone with a unique, interesting, helpful, and encouraging point-of-view. It does take some commitment and work to clarify your message, hone your speaking skills to …