Expanding Joy

In this life, we all want to expand the amount of joy we feel every day in everything we do—at home, at work, in relationships, alone by ourselves.

Right now, what is bringing joy to your life? For me, it has been bringing more intention to my personal relationships—my marriage, father, children, grandchildren, friendships, and clients. Specifically, Tom and I have been loving things that bring deep connection like regularly bringing dinner over to my dad’s, getting a tour of his garden and listening to his stories, discussing what he’s reading, and savoring his big, long hugs. We also enjoy our daily exercise walks. Going out, the two of us just talk about what’s on our minds, and coming back, we listen to podcasts or audio books. We’ve been putting some tighter restrictions on our screen time, and that has nurtured more connection time for us. A weekly phone call with my boys keeps my relationship grounded with their lives, and a monthly virtual book club meeting with my best girlfriends does the same for my friendships. We are also finding joy in planning and anticipating a fabulous upcoming trip to Greece, where we will spend quality one-on-one time with one of Tom’s granddaughters.

At work, restructuring our offerings with my team as well as welcoming some perfect-fit clients into our coaching work is bringing me great creative joy. I’m also finding joy in slowly getting back to writing my book.

What’s bringing joy and expanding that joy for you? These are worthy questions.  It might be a vacation spent with your family, a major success at work, getting a new pet, or something as simple as reading a really good book. Focusing your intention on bringing more joyful activities in and then finding ways to expand that joy is what this whole game of life and work is really about.

I’d love to hear from all of you. We’re interested and inspired by what brings joy to our readers, clients, and colleagues. Leave a comment below about what’s joyful now and what your intentions are to expand the joy in your life and the lives of others.

“The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.”

~ Russel M. Nelson


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