“It tastes like chicken,” my dad said as I looked down at the cooked frog legs on my plate at a fine dining restaurant in Monterrey, Mexico, when I was 8 years old. I can’t remember if I ate them or not, but I remember that moment. I was thinking: how does someone cook a frog? There’s an old fable …
Infinite Promise
If anything stays in one place too long in my house … it becomes almost invisible to me. For example, I often post meaningful quotes or passages on the front of my refrigerator, but after a while, if I don’t change them, I don’t even “see” them anymore. Early one morning last week while searching for a coffee scoop in …
Life’s GPS
When you need directions to some place you want to go, what’s the first thing you punch into your GPS? Your destination, right? Your GPS already knows where you are currently and quickly calculates the quickest route to your desired location. And what does it give you next? The next turn…. Not all your turns… just the very next one …
Quietly Quitting or Boldly Creating?
If you’ve been on social media lately or read recent news headlines, you’ve likely heard about the tidal wave of employees “quietly quitting” their jobs. A recent Gallup poll of a random sample of 15,000 full- and part-time U.S. employees (aged 18 and over) in June of 2022 found that at least 50% of the U.S. workforce are quietly quitting—meaning …
Savoring the Busyness
We’ve been crazy busy here at LionSpeak this month. Part of it is seasonal as Spring is traditionally a busy time for us. Part of it is due to a raving fan of LionSpeak, Elijah Desmond, who has been referring speakers and vendors almost daily for several weeks to receive speaker’s coaching for his upcoming conference in April. I had …
The Little Book Club in the Corner
One of the first and best things I did when I found myself single at age fifty was to join a book club. It was a “meet-up” of diverse women who shared very little in common other than a big love for reading books, female comradery, and the musty smell of a well-stocked bookstore. Out of thirty total members, fifteen or …
Love Labor
Most of us associate Labor Day with the official end of summer, but Labor Day was actually a holiday created in 1894 to celebrate the social and economic achievements of American workers. A creation of the labor movement, it constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. And …
Crisis Point
Over the past few months, our nation, and therefore our practices, have experienced a crisis. In one way or another, we’ve all been impacted by this pandemic. John F. Kennedy once said, “When written in Chinese, the word crisis is composed of two characters: One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.” With multiple clients experiencing a crisis all at once, it is …
Everything is Energy!
The only thing I like better than tasting excellent red wines at a quaint little boutique winery on a Saturday afternoon with good friends is having them poured for me and explained to me by the adorable, passionate, young Argentinean winemaker himself, Damian Doffo. (DoffoWines.com) Forever diligent and alert for Monday Morning Stretch material, Anthony reminded me of something that …
The Productivity of Stillness
I’m leaving the cabin for the season tomorrow. Always a bittersweet day. I’m flying to Minneapolis for my annual one-on-one session with my business coach and then on to deliver two days of patient service and leadership communication training for a pediatric group practice. Tom will wrap things up at the cabin and make sure it will be strong and …
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