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Loving the Fight

One of the reasons that leaders, trainers, workshop leaders, and managers postpone the introduction of a business initiative or change of direction is their fear concerning the objections and negative reactions with which the proposed change will be met when presented. To be more precise, it’s not actually the reaction they worry about as much as their ability to successfully …

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The Purple Pig

Every now and then, you see a piece of art that for some unknown reason, speaks to you. Once in a while, you meet a person that you just know will become a lifelong friend. And once in a blue moon, you have a meal that is unforgettable and a culinary experience that is so exceptional, you know you’ll be …

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Everything is Energy!

The only thing I like better than tasting excellent red wines at a quaint little boutique winery on a Saturday afternoon with good friends is having them poured for me and explained to me by the adorable, passionate, young Argentinean winemaker himself, Anthony Doffo. ( Forever diligent and alert for Monday Morning Stretch material, Anthony reminded me of something that …

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Music Monday: Fear is a Liar

If you measured your life out on a yardstick, how much is left? I’ve done it and it’s quite sobering. Today is New Year’s Day. The first day of 2018. The first day of what remains of your life. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world.” Fear is the one thing …

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Day After Christmas

Merry Christmas!  My sincere hope is that not one of you is actually reading this on Christmas day but maybe a few will see it on the day after Christmas or in the days that follow. Which brings me to the most perfect message and song for today… Day After Christmas by Matthew West. And I’ll keep my message short …

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Christmas Keepers

“They’d be a whole lot better if I had the money to buy what everyone really wanted this year.” That was the response to my question, “Are you enjoying the holidays?” posed to a colleague last week. What does everyone really want? If you’re a kid, of course, you want toys. And, you want to feel special, loved, and cherished, …

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There’s No Such Thing as a Bad One

I’m a bad leader. I’m a bad speaker. I’m a bad communicator. I’m bad at resolving conflict. I have a bad memory. I hear these kinds of statements all the time in my line of work. They’ve got it all wrong. There’s no such thing as a bad leader or a bad speaker or a bad communicator… only an untrained …

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Music Monday: The Song Within the Silence

Sometimes, when I take a walk with my dog, Sierra, I can tell that she stops to listen to sounds when I hear only silence. Occasionally, at a crowded, noisy event in the midst of competing stories, laughter, voices, serving dishes, and music, I can hear my own internal voice saying something kind, admonishing, or even sarcastic (and I’m often …

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Don’t Believe Everything You Think

At the height of my busy Fall speaking season, I’m lost in my thoughts as I make my way along my 90-minute freeway commute to the airport. My mind has wandered to my long to-do list which has swollen to ridiculous proportions with a busy travel schedule. Creeping in are thoughts of potentially forgetting promises, missing deadlines, and dropping the …

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The Perspective of Gratitude

Famous writer, William Arthur Ward, once wrote… “Gratitude can transform common days into Thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” In other words, gratitude is really just a shift in our perspective. If you are an Outlander fan, then you know that in book four (which I’m just about to finish) our intrepid couple, Jamie …