The Q-1 Reset

January 1st is just another ordinary day, like any other of the 365 days of the year. There is absolutely nothing concrete that gives it any more meaning than any other day. And yet, somehow, it is different. It wields a powerful energy across the western world of rebirth, renewal, and re-commitment. I know it’s essentially arbitrary, something that our culture contrives, but I love New Year’s Day for the “reset mindset” it creates in both our personal and professional lives.

I’ve heard all the statistics of the short amount of time that most New Year’s resolutions last. On average, only around 20% will last even two months. There are even (unofficial) dates commemorating our failures. Some sources cite January 17th as “Ditch the Resolutions Day” while others denote the second Friday in January as “Quitter’s Day.”

But for those who can’t help themselves and try and try again every year, I want to salute you. That’s what New Year’s is really about, to me—trying one more time to create something different, something new, something better.  Even if we eventually quit or take our foot off the gas pedal of our new direction, it’s still a very powerful thing when we decide and then act on that decision because it creates momentum.

This is why so many businesses across the country reach out to LionSpeak in November and December to help them roll into Q1 with huge team momentum. When your team is aligned on what they have been invited to help create, what they will need to learn to accomplish it, and how to communicate and behave along the way to create a work experience they all love, you get massive momentum.

With massive momentum, you will not only weather whatever 2025 has in store for you, but you’ll be much more likely to accomplish the most audacious outcomes. However, if you’re waiting for individuals to show up organically with that alignment, you’ll be setting yourself and your business up for disappointment. Clarity comes from nowhere else but the top and is then refined and implemented by an inspired, aligned team.

Do some of the teams for whom we facilitate a Calibration Retreat fall out of that alignment? Certainly. But many ride the wave of their Q1 momentum and team alignment all the way into Q4 with a huge year-end celebration.  This could be you and your team one year from now.

There is nothing you cannot have, do, or become, but without an aligned, excited, and skilled team, nothing will change. You’ll be right where you are now at this time next year.

If you are a professional, and especially if you are a business owner, manager, or team leader, January and the whole of Q1 is often the reset for the year. If you would like to have more accountability, commitment, positivity, ingenuity, buy-in, and growth from your team, then I invite you to consider investing in a professionally-facilitated retreat and / or coaching program that will bring simple and easy-to-apply frameworks that create immediate results.

If you want 2025 to be a breakthrough year, you can have it, but you can’t have new results by doing things the same way. At a minimum, schedule your own retreat to align your team with the future vision, a passionate mission, critical values, and expectations and agreements that every team needs to accomplish anything big. At the maximum, invest in professional facilitation and bring in the expertise needed to shore up the gaps, zero-in on the targets, crystalize the mission, ignite the inspiration, and kickstart your momentum.

LionSpeak would love to do that for you and your team. Here’s a video that will give you a sense of the experience. You can reach out here to schedule 15 minutes to see how we could customize a retreat for your team.

We could not be more excited about what 2025 has in store for our team here at LionSpeak, our clients’ successes, our incredible sponsors, partners, and colleagues, and our precious families. Here’s to your momentum going into Q1. May it and you be absolutely unstoppable!

“With momentum, you can literally do anything. Momentum is the energy that takes a few small steps and turns the results into something you could never see coming.”

– Tim Denning

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