On the 17th of August I turned 65 years young. It is hard for me to believe, and, at the same time, I’m grateful for every minute, every turn, every year that brought me here in good health, still enjoying my work with a beautiful family and a life I love. In some ways, I feel I’ve just hit my full stride in life.
But these six and a half decades have given me some experiences that now form my relationship with “what is” in my world each day. Unlike a 25-year-old, I’ve already lived through several recessions, sky-high interest rates, market crashes, political upsets, national and personal disasters, health crises, and many other life-altering events.
Today, I read once again that another recession may be looming close, and then I felt it—that involuntary feeling of panic. Before I could stop it, my mind zoomed ahead to what I might have to do to tighten my belt, cut expenses, increase my income and value to clients, or to which stocks I should quickly off-load before everyone else does. It was a flash of milliseconds, and, then, I stopped that tricky little train of negativity in its tracks and took a nice, long, deep breath.
It was then I remembered that nothing has happened to me that I have not only survived but have come through better than before—nothing. I smiled as I was reminded of how creative I could be, how resourceful and kind I could be, how helpful and calm I could be and of how life could continue to delight and surprise me. I was instantly calmed as I remembered how capable and practiced I am at creating a sense of real peace, regardless of the external circumstances. I felt my body release the tension as I focused my thoughts on how grateful I am for what I have in spades, compared to the majority of the world. I felt tears sting my eyes as I felt deeply the overwhelming knowing that all is well, always, with me and my world because it is truly mine to create and recreate, to align and realign, to savor and share. The power is all mine.
This week, as you read or watch the news or even just catch glimpses of what others believe is happening or might happen, take your power back. Be the creator of your own thoughts and belief in the future. It will most definitely present challenges to us in one way or another, and I’m asking you to join me in embracing not only those challenges but also your divine ability to steer them for your good and the good of others. Refuse to give your mind to anyone or anything else. You are the artist that gets to paint that picture. No one really knows for sure what the future holds though they often like to sound like they do. And they certainly do not know what your future holds. Decide now, in advance of the beautiful ride of ups and downs that is rolling our way. Would you want to be on any other ride but one of your own making? Let’s ride together, bolster each other up, trade ideas and resources, laugh and dance and live every day in a way that makes others wonder what our secret is!
And if they dare to ask, we’ll tell them that we’re making up the most amazing story as we go.
“The best use of creativity is imagination. The worst use of creativity is anxiety.”
~ Deepak Chopra
You have a few more years of life experience on me, Katherine, but not much. I just turned 60 years young last month 🙂 Your words express how I increasingly frame my life and the world/times we’re living in. So beautifully written! Can’t wait to see you in a few months!
Thank you, Kim! Looking forward to seeing you too very soon.