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The Cure for the Cancer

Last week, I wrote about the plague of negativity infecting our workplaces today. This week, I’d like to offer some relief for those of you experiencing it, whether from an individual or group of people, or as a fundamentally negative person yourself. Motivational Speaker, Jon Gordon, refers to negative people who are unwilling to develop a more positive approach to …

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The Cancer of Negativity

Negativity. The terminal cancer of workplace culture. Negativity is like a microscopic germ placed in a warm petri dish. Nestled in an environment with no defenses preemptively built in, it will grow, multiply, and spread so silently and slowly that it’s almost unnoticeable to others until… it’s deadly. When a workplace has a tolerance for people who exhibit negativity, they …

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A Culture of the Heart

I spent a couple of rich, productive days with my dear friend, Mary Fox, recently. There are just certain people who consistently and effortlessly fill your bucket, and she is one of them! Mary had just returned from a trip to Jamaica with her husband, and they stayed at a beautiful Hyatt resort on the island. In a conversation we …

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Music Monday: From Now On

In high school, I was a member of the National Honor Society and, in turn, was also a clarinet player in the band, dancer on the drill team, cheerleader on the cheerleading squad, and sang as a member of my church choir. I tell you all of this to say that I had many great “team” experiences very early in …

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Acting Lessons

My kids were so impressed when they found out that I had been a cheerleader three out of my four years in high school. It’s apparently a big deal when there are hundreds of kids in your class and thousands in the school but when you have less than 50 students in your graduating class and only 8 try out …