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The Secret Weapon

Over the holidays, I was introduced to an Asian comedian, Ken Jeong Tran, being interviewed on a talk show about her recent and highly successful comedy tour. During the interview, the host showed several clips of her hilarious performances at live events in Las Vegas, New York, and Los Angeles, but he also showed a clip of her failing in …

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“Matchmaker, Matchmaker, make me a match, find me a find, catch me a catch…” Those famous lyrics from the musical, Fiddler on the Roof, haunted me 10 years ago when Tom and I were looking for our wedding venue. We had four very different experiences at the places we visited, all providing more evidence to me that most of us …

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I was observing in a multi-doctor oral surgery practice, and they had lined up several new patient exams for me to see that day. The first doctor that I observed clearly and succinctly stated to the patient, “You’re going to need an implant to replace that tooth.” The second one took a different approach. One I call StorySelling. “Tracy, you …

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The Speaker You Never Forget

I wanted to be the speaker they would never forget. But God, I was nervous. I was waiting to take the stage to deliver one of my very first keynote addresses before a very prestigious organization in my industry. How would I do? How would I perform? What if I embarrassed myself? What if I forgot my first few lines? …

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The Stories of Our Lives

Storytelling, or StorySelling, as I like to refer to it in business, is one of the best business tools in your arsenal if you are a leader, trainer, or speaker to communicate a message with passion, feeling, and meaning.  Stories connect your team, clients, and audiences to the emotional “why” in the message you’re trying to get across.  Stories can …

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Taming the Butterflies

If you’re human, you likely get nervous when you are asked to take the stage or speak from a place of authority in front of others.  Even something as innocuous as introducing ourselves around a table can make the butterflies take flight.  The physical symptoms of nervousness take a lot of shapes but can include a racing heartbeat, clammy palms, …

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Public Speaking is Not an Option

Warren Buffet once said, “The most important professional business skill is public speaking.” I agree. Being successful professionally is directly linked to the level of influence you have with the people you work with and serve. If you have influence, then you can create positive change; positive change is what every business wants and needs. Even college students fresh out …

Side gigs

I’m often asked by professionals, clinicians, and friends who attend my lectures how someone can become a speaker. In many ways, it’s really not that hard, and there is always room on the platform for anyone with a unique, interesting, helpful, and encouraging point-of-view. It does take some commitment and work to clarify your message, hone your speaking skills to …

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The Most Important Business Tool

Warren Buffet was recently asked what he felt the number one necessary business skill was today. His answer? Public speaking. In much of our work here at LionSpeak with corporate executive teams or sales teams, I agree 100%. But, I wondered. Would that also apply to my other primary market of dentists, veterinarians, and other discretionary healthcare providers? They are …