If you walk around New York City, Chicago, or San Diego, it’s a given that you’re going to see a lot of tall buildings. But the only ones which qualify as skyscrapers must be at least 50 stories and over 330 feet tall. Otherwise, you’re just a “super tall” building. The largest building on the planet today is the Burj …
Loving the Fight
One of the reasons that leaders, trainers, workshop leaders, and managers postpone the introduction of a business initiative or change of direction is their fear concerning the objections and negative reactions with which the proposed change will be met when presented. To be more precise, it’s not actually the reaction they worry about as much as their ability to successfully …
The Purple Pig
Every now and then, you see a piece of art that for some unknown reason, speaks to you. Once in a while, you meet a person that you just know will become a lifelong friend. And once in a blue moon, you have a meal that is unforgettable and a culinary experience that is so exceptional, you know you’ll be …
Music Monday: Belay On!
One of my all-time favorite Calibration Team Retreats we’ve ever facilitated at LionSpeak was with a small group of women in Seattle, Washington. We went to local climbing gym, had our meeting, got a truckload accomplished and topped it off with some teambuilding exercises on the climbing wall. But before we could do any of the activities we had planned, we …
Become the Leader Others Want to Follow
Leadership is the number one skill professionals need to master to create the career and life they want. Leadership trumps every other skill you need. Everyone can become a great leader. And, it’s not as hard as you’ve been led to believe. At one of our recent “Leaders of the Pride” workshops, a new dentist said, “My father was a …
Beginner’s Mind
You know you’re getting old when the surgeon who’ll be performing your procedure, the pilot on the plane you’ve just boarded, and the accountant assigned to do your taxes all look like they just graduated from high school. For these things and others, I don’t want beginners… I want experience. Or do I? Experience is a good thing, as a …
Sour Milk and Leadership
I know. It’s completely un-lady-like to drink milk straight from the container. However, occasionally when I’ve needed an ibuprofen for a headache to get to sleep and to put a little something in my stomach, I’ve reached straight for the container so as not to turn on all the lights or make too much noise. The last time I succumbed …
Leadership and Learning
John F. Kennedy once said, “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” That’s because leaders are not born but rather developed. So, they are constantly trying new approaches, analyzing the results, and adjusting their strategies along with way. In the healthcare, dental, and veterinary fields, we are experiencing a seismic shift in our industries with an increase in consolidation …