When a country’s defense systems are weak, unprepared, or ill-informed, it becomes vulnerable to attack from its enemies. When a person is unaware of their surroundings, they are vulnerable to pickpockets. When immune systems are comprised, people are vulnerable to sickness. The same is true for our businesses. When we don’t pay attention to why employees leave or stay, we …
Are Things Getting Worse or Better?
“Tell someone that everything will be great and they’re likely to either shrug you off or offer a skeptical eye. Tell someone they’re in danger, and you have their undivided attention.” This is a quote from Morgan Housel, bestselling author of The Psychology of Money, as he explains our seduction with pessimism in today’s media-frenzied world. On this Monday morning, …
Abundance Mindset
Growing up, what messages did you hear about money? All that glitters is not gold. Money doesn’t grow on trees. A penny saved is a penny earned. Money is the root of all evil. Don’t step over dollars to pick up dimes. He went from rags to riches. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. He who …
The Gap
The idea of “the gap” in business is not a new thing. There are at least a half a dozen books written by different authors titled, “The Leadership Gap,” which all focus on identifying and closing the gaps in our leadership style which create a negative outcome. Plenty of consulting firms focus on helping businesses analyze the gap between their …
Solving and Supervising are DEAD! It’s Coaching for the WIN!
My grown son calls and has an issue with his father. One of my coaches tells me they are struggling with one of our clients. An employee of a client team schedules a Zoom session to complain about a co-worker or boss. A colleague casually reports that a mutual friend has hurt their feelings. Do these things happen to you? …
The “NO” Muscle
According to mother, I was not a very cuddly child. She described me as curious, determined, active, and independent from day one. She said she and my father were lucky to get a few minutes of holding me in their laps and only if my attention was captured by the reading of a book I liked or a game I …
Drama-Free Living
One of the things I am most passionate about is the power of operating in work and life “drama-free.” Why? Because I’ve seen the massive positive results that living drama-free can produce with my very own eyes. People who operate drama-free move their personal and professional lives forward in ways that those who live ‘in drama’ can’t even imagine or …
Looking Under the Hood of Shoulds
I’ve been paying closer attention to my health lately. I’m eating more whole foods, especially more leafy greens, berries, and protein, and consuming less alcohol. I’m stretching and walking daily and strength training 3-4 times a week. I’m monitoring and getting better sleep by shutting off electronics and getting to bed earlier. I’m drinking more water and green tea. Besides …
Inspirational Direction
It’s almost that time again and it’s anyone’s guess what kind of shenanigans we’ll see at this year’s Oscar Awards ceremony! Was it only one year ago that Will Smith walked on stage and slapped Chris Rock? Whew… talk about drama. But instead of dwelling on unsavory moments like these, I’d like to shine a spotlight on an Oscar moment …
Invitations vs. Demands
Rachel, a recently promoted department leader, nervously tapped her foot as well as her pencil while she waited for Jake to arrive in her office for their prescheduled growth conference. She had given a lot of thought to the areas where Jake performed well and even more thought to the one in which he doesn’t… handling feedback positively from senior …