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The Most Important Business Tool

Warren Buffet was recently asked what he felt the number one necessary business skill was today. His answer? Public speaking. In much of our work here at LionSpeak with corporate executive teams or sales teams, I agree 100%. But, I wondered. Would that also apply to my other primary market of dentists, veterinarians, and other discretionary healthcare providers? They are …

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True Freedom

Today is Juneteenth… an official State holiday in Texas. Growing up in Texas, I can remember Juneteenth celebrations in the small, country town in which I was raised. There would definitely be BBQ, cold beer, and for some reason as tradition dictated… strawberry soda pop. The story of Juneteenth is an interesting one. It celebrates the day that Major General …

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Sour Milk and Leadership

I know. It’s completely un-lady-like to drink milk straight from the container. However, occasionally when I’ve needed an ibuprofen for a headache to get to sleep and to put a little something in my stomach, I’ve reached straight for the container so as not to turn on all the lights or make too much noise. The last time I succumbed …

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Music Monday: Happy People

I’m breaking a promise, I know. I promised to continue this week with our breakdown of how to be exceptional on the telephone, but I totally spaced off that it would be Music Monday (always the first Monday of every month), and I’ve been waiting all month to feature this great new song, “Happy People”, by Little Big Town. So, …

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Building Relationships

As I write this, Tom and I are on our way home from a quick but marvelous NYC getaway where we celebrated our second-year wedding anniversary. In three days, we took in Central Park and an outdoor lunch at Tavern on the Green, a rainy afternoon at the Metropolitan Museum trying our best to absorb the beauty and wonder on …

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Acting Lessons

My kids were so impressed when they found out that I had been a cheerleader three out of my four years in high school. It’s apparently a big deal when there are hundreds of kids in your class and thousands in the school but when you have less than 50 students in your graduating class and only 8 try out …

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Leadership and Learning

John F. Kennedy once said, “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” That’s because leaders are not born but rather developed. So, they are constantly trying new approaches, analyzing the results, and adjusting their strategies along with way. In the healthcare, dental, and veterinary fields, we are experiencing a seismic shift in our industries with an increase in consolidation …

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All Things Being Equal

I’ll probably only buy one white rat for a 10-year-old boy in my entire life. Primarily because I don’t intend to have another 10-year-old boy nor another caged white rat if I don’t absolutely have to. Because of that, it doesn’t really matter that I feel one way or the other about the person who made that sale to me. …

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Music Monday: Be Here Now

There is absolutely NO END to it… the incessant distractions of the modern world – cell phones, social media, text messages, emails, voicemails, calendar reminders, streaming TV, Pandora music, to-do lists, Amazon deliveries, deadlines. As a result, we’ve become master multi-taskers, but we’ve also become flops at being 100% present in almost any situation. I swear some days I can …